La Fuga - Girl in Flight

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Inspired by real events, LA FUGA -- GIRL IN FLIGHT is the story of 11-year old Silvia whose life at home is consumed by her mother’s clinical depression. When no one will take the time to fulfill her dream to visit Rome, she runs away, determined to see it for herself. On a train she meets a Roma girl, Emina, and begins following her through the streets of Rome to her gypsy camp. Shot in a real Roma camp using non-actors, the film also features the Italian stars Donatella Finocchiaro and Filippo Nigro. LA FUGA’S beautiful imagery, captured by award-winning cinematographer Vladan Radovic (Donatello award for ANIME NERE, 2015), reflects the tender, frightening and exciting emotional journey of a courageous young girl trying to come into her own.

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Direction: Sandra Vannucchi

Script: Sandra Vannucchi, Michael King

Cast: Lisa Andreozzi, Emina Amatovic, Donatella Finocchiaro, Filippo Nigro

Original Title: La Fuga - Girl in Flight

Original Language: italijanski

Subtitles: engleski, nemački

Film Production Countries: Italija, Švajcarska


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